The field of chemistry is full of devices that are used for different tests and measurements. Operating these devices take some good technique and learning. Colorimeter is one of those devices in the field of chemistry. The light waves of various wavelengths can be absorbed different solutions. … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2016
To Perform Taste Sensation Test On A Subject
From anterior two third of tongue lingual nerve carries the taste sensation and through the chorda tympani it joins to the facial nerve. The taste sensations are tested as described below: Materials Required: Solutions of five percent sucrose, one percent acetic acid, five percent sodium chloride … [Read more...]
Cranial Nerve 7 Test: Clinical Tests For Examination Of Facial Nerve
Seventh Cranial Nerve Test: It is a mixed nerve. The facial nerve nucleus is situated in the pons, lateral to that of the abducent nerve. It receives the taste fibers from anterior two thirds of tongue through lingual chorda tympani nerve. Test For Motor Part: All the muscles of face and scalp … [Read more...]
Clinical Tests For Examination Of Trigeminal Nerve (5th Cranial Nerve)
Fifth Cranial Nerve Test: It is a mixed nerve. Sensory roots take origin from gesserian ganglion (trigeminal ganglion). In pons motor nucleus is located in the floor of forth ventricle. Nerve divides in three division i.e Ophthalmic division, maxillary division and mandibular division. Ophthalmic … [Read more...]
Clinical Tests For Examination Of Oculomotor, Trochlear & Abducent Nerves
Third, Fourth & sixth Nerve Test: They control ocular movements so considered together. They are mixed nerves. They bring sensations from proprioceptors in the eye muscles. Fibers of these nerves take origin from a series of nuclei which begin in the floor of sylvian aqueduct and extending … [Read more...]