You know from one of our previous articles that white blood cell count or total leukocyte count is a test which we perform to get the count of white blood cells in our blood. With the help of this test, we find the different ranges of leukocytes presiding in our body and if there are different underlying diseases in our body the symptoms for which are showing themselves, we can also know those diseases by these different white blood cell counts. These ranges are different for people of all ages and genders such as men, women, kids, and adults. Now another thing is which is very necessary to obtain while we take the measure of white blood cell count is different leukocyte count which is basically obtained by taking the differential of the values of white blood cell count. The following definition may clear this for you.
Different Leukocyte Count helps us to determine the relative percentages of all the white blood cells present in our body. There may be many underlying abnormalities in our body to find which we use this differential leukocyte count. Also, there are a lot of white cell populations in our body which are abnormal and this different leukocyte count helps us to find them. The examples of these abnormal white blood cell populations include circulating lymphoma cells and blasts. Now this differential leukocyte count also has its ranges which we are going to tell you next.
Differential Leukocyte Count Results:
Listed below are few of the reference ranges and these results are for the normal adults.
- Neutrophils count in normal adults is 40-80% which is 2.0-7.0×109.
- Lymphocytes count in normal adults of different leukocyte count is 1.0-3.0×109 which is about 20-40%.
- Monocytes count in normal adults of differential leukocyte count is 0.2-1.0×109 which is about 2-10%.
Once you are done with reading the normal ranges for adults of different leukocyte count, let us now discuss few applications of this different of white blood cell count.
Applications of Different Leukocyte Count:
No term in the field of medical sciences is useless when we talk about different leukocyte count, it has different important uses which are listed below.
- As we have talked before that there are different abnormal white blood cell populations such as blasts and circulating lymphoma cells which occur in our body and it is very important to find them. One of the major uses of different leukocyte count is finding these abnormalities.
- Alongside the above mentioned abnormalities, the morphological abnormalities may also exist in our body. Now there are no other accurate methods of finding these abnormalities except the one we are discussing i.e. different leukocyte count. This gives us an accurate reading of these abnormalities. Since these are responsible for different diseases, we can then identify those disease, diagnose them, and then we can proceed for the treatment.
So, this was a brief introduction of different leukocyte count. We also discussed results and applications of this count. If you have any question, you can ask us in the comments below. Keep visiting All Med Tests for more free medical tests and guides.
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